Thursday 6 March 2008

Final? Thoughts on PebblePad

Here's another thought on PebblePad! I'm sure it has a place in teaching and learning but I wouldn't be confident in using it with students until I am proficient in it. I'd also like to see what it is like to assess work submitted through PebblePad. Finally, is it Pebble Pad, PebblePad, or Pebblepad?!

More Thoughts on PebblePad

I don't understand why I am not getting on with PebblePad. I like gadgets. I am attracted to their novelty and shininess! I see new hardware and applications as desirable and I want to be able to use them and have a use for them. I do have a lot of pressures on my time this year so it may be that it is this that is influencing me. I do feel like there is light at the end of the tunnel (as opposed to the bright light that you shouldn't walk towards). So I'm hoping that I won't keep up my negative thoughts and will give PebblePad a second chance. I really like the idea of jotting down thoughts and reflections. I don't currently have an efficient and effective way of doing this. I'm not sure that an internet based tool is the right way for me to record thoughts as my reflections come at inopportune moments (such as in the shower) and if I'm on the internet I will get distracted by other things. However, I think it would be a good way for me to store my thoughts. I'm currently exploring recording my thoughts as mp3 files. I think this would make for a journal that I could carry with me but upload onto PebblePad. I'd still have to take care in the shower though!!

CVs and Blogs in PebblePad

The CV facility looked more like an online job application form. It could be useful for keeping a track of changes.

The blog facility felt a bit clunky having used this one first. I'm sure if I had used the PebblePad one first, I would have preferred that one.

Webfolios in PebblePad

What is the point of webfolios? I guess they are a good way of organising information and allowing you to reuse resources for multiple purposes. How does this fit in with University regulations on plagiarism? Specifically, if students aren't allowed to submit work or parts of work that have been submitted for other assessments, does this mean that they can't use 'assets' in more than one webfolio?

I think it is useful to enable students to share work or view each other's work as this helps them to see how they are doing in relation to each other and can spark discussions.

On a side issue, I haven't viewed the help videos on webfolios because the last two caused my laptop to crash.

First Thoughts on PebblePad

Journal Entry
First thoughts on how user-friendly PebblePad is.
I have not found PebblePad easy to use as part of PHE413. This is probably because I don't know where to start so it has fallen to the bottom of my priorities. This year has been extremely busy and I have to use my time effectively. So it is better in the short-term to spend an evening marking papers rather than spending time learning how to use PebblePad. But I'll never learn how to use it if I don't take the time to explore it.Another reason why I don't find it easy to use, is because I like paper! I like having instructions I can flick through and think about on the train and mentally plan what I'm going to do before sitting at a computer.Finally, a major flaw (for me) of PebblePad, is that it is computer based. If I'm at the computer I'll get distracted by emails etc.The video tutorials are helpful but they kept causing my computer to crash!